Thin Wood Walls Goes Global


It’s always good news when something you’ve written and are proud of gets noticed (in a positive way, at least). It’s wonderful news when the person (or persons, or organization) doing the noticing is one you respect (a lot, in this case). So I was thrilled when King County Library System’s Jerene Battisti notified me that THIN WOOD WALLS has been chosen as one of the ten titles for the 2012-13 Global Reading Challenge in King County.

During the Global Reading Challenge, teams of fourth and fifth-graders from school districts throughout the county, using critical reading skills and reading retention I can only envy, compete against each other in a series of rounds that culminate in a knowledgeable young reader’s version of the final four—the Grand Challenge! I’m honored to be a part of this valuable and exciting program. Good luck to all the contestants!

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