On Writing

Have a Plan

Okay, I’ve put some thoughts together, with the goal of getting myself deeper into writer’s mode and providing other folks...

What is a Book, Anyway?

After recently checking (obsessing over?) the Amazon sales numbers and reviews for my newly released novel FAST BACKWARD, Istrayed over...

Guest Post for Friend Friday

In anticipation of today’s launch of Fast Backward, I wrote a guest post for Kirby Larson’s Friend Friday blog, and...

A Dream for Fast Backward

I’d just climbed aboard a Stairmaster at the Y a few days ago when an older guy—I’m guessing eighties but...

Monsters of Men/Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness

Monsters of Men: Whew! The breakneck pace I noted in my review of The Knife of Never Letting Go and...

Vote for your choice of Fast Backward Cover

In the past I’ve been allowed some input on my covers, but this is a new and exciting experience. READERS...

The More Things Change… A Publishing Perspective

Because I don’t want to come off as a slightly more active version of Get-Off-My-Lawn Guy, I’m not going anywhere...

Leaving Our Island Day

On February 19, 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. Only two-and-a-half months had passed since the bombing of...

On the Threshold

The Threshold It’s been a while (and I use that term modestly) since I’ve been on the threshold. And by...

Slaughterhouse Five

The Book and Kurt Slaughterhouse-Five captured my imagination (the book) and admiration (the author) on my initial read (way back...

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